-cards- =D The descs on the cards makes Wufei sound sexy. o-o;;;;;; THANK YE, OVERWING! Damn, these cards of Wufei *are* HOT! *melts*
[Card 1] [Back of Card 1] [Card 2] [Back of Card 2]

-Scans from Episode Zero- (they're at a resolution of 200. Images are LARGE. @_@ It'll be a pain in the arse to download but well worth it. >:D) Aw, Wufei looks so sexy. *_* (Sage: Uh-huh... *beans Kia with a trout*) Um, o_o; How many pages DID I scan? XD Well, good thing Shenlong (the scanner's name) cooperates with me. >:]
[Page 1] [2&3] [4&5] [6&7] [8&9] [10&11] [12&13] [14&15] [16&17] [18&19] [20&21] [22&23] [24&25] (please ignore the goat blower on the page 25)

-Scans from Gundam Wing #1 (From MIXX)
[Blooper] (Whoops, Wufei screwed up. ^-^;)

-Pictures from the Model Kit and stuff =P-
-SD Shenlong: [Box Cover]
-1/100 Endless Waltz Altron/Atlo-long "Nataku" Gundam: [Box Cover] [Sketches] [EW Piccies] (please ignore the goat blower on the page.)

-Regular Pictures-

[Preview Picture of Wallscroll] @_@ I'll have to take a picture of my wallscroll ^^;;;;

These are the screenshots I had to beg for since I don't have an image capturing equipement. (I want one so badly. X.x;;)

[Screenshot1] [Screenshot2] [Screenshot3] [Screenshot4] [Screenshot5] [Screenshot6] [Screenshot7] [Screenshot8] [Screenshot9] [Screenshot10] [Screenshot11] [Screenshot12] [Screenshot13] [Screenshot14] [Screenshot15] [Screenshot16] [Screenshot17] [Screenshot18] [Screenshot19] [Screenshot20] [Screenshot21] [Screenshot22] [Screenshot23]

[Screenshot1] [Screenshot2] [Screenshot3] [Screenshot4] [Screenshot5]

[Screenshot 1] [Screenshot 2] [Screenshot3]

Pictures supplied by OverWing (a friend of mine on IRC who kindly provided the screenshots for me. :))

Back to the Shrine Page! XD