The Main Entrance to the Halo Shrine
Sage pondering how to escape Kia Purity

Sage: Kia's in a disorganized mode today. I can't say I blame her although she's just NOW paying attention to the Ronin Warriors section.
Kia: Sage, shuddup. It's just that college's been draining my life. The majority of RWs or YST fans who are in college have taken their websites offline because of college.  However, I'll not do this because this website is what I give a damn about.
Sage: Even when you neglect it?
Kia: Sage...
Sage: -/)_^"
Kia: ...
Sage: Put that pan down.



Kia: And don't forget the [10 top reasons why I like Seiji].

The Adoption Section!

This Sage Kitty
was adopted from
Ghost's Anime Page

Adopt a Ronin Dollie and more!