The voice actor for Sage (American version) is Michael Donovan (also for Ryoga, Cye, Turtle Hermit). The Japanese voice actor for Date Seiji is Nakamura Daiki. (There's probably more works done by either of them, but I'm not that good at finding out which anime! ><)

A tidbit of info: Seiji's scared of girls as a result of his two sisters... ^^; I feel so bad for him being used as a doll (his older sister) and his younger sister teases him too much. This is offical YST information, and keep it in mind... he is not a flirt. Period. Anyone who claims Seiji is a flirt needs to check their facts. Seriously. He's not a flirt. Women FLIRT with him but it scares him.

If you're looking for the stories about Sage, I ditched them because I'm a sucky writer.

[Various Pictures] <--- some of them were from Mrs. Strata's and Sofia's pages. Some might have been from somewhere else. I'll take down the pictures once the proper people claims them.

I know I'm not the only one who has made a shrine to Seiji, but I can't really find their links. They're all gone. :(
This was updated 1/13/05