Chibi Kia: And now!
You know you support them when...
Out of all the X-Men figures you have... you only own both Gambit and Rogue figures.
...these two are already on your computer or displayed somewhere properly. act out comic book scenes or your fanfics with the
figures... ( No porn movies, please!
You hated Age of Apocalyspe.
...and took your hate out on the comics.
...and prayed for the day when the stupid saga would end.
...and was overjoyed when it ended.
You screamed and threw a fit when Joseph appeared.
You only collect the X-Men comic books for the sole purpose of having really pretty nifty love scenes between the two that makes you go "Awww... so cute..."
You cheer when you learned that the two had their own section in Marvel Universe book. (Nyah~ ^^)
You did a double-wtf-take when you saw the orangey panel in X-Treme X-Men. (After all, I kind of dropped off the face of the earth for five years only to pick up the comic books again and all my reactions were wtfwtfwtf.)
You're one of the upset fans who threw a fit when Gambit only had a cameo.
...and threw another fit when his cameo was cut. (After all, you can't just have Rogue without Gambit, ne?)
You only buy X-Treme X-Men for the two.
You drooled at this pretty pretty picture. (It's sooooo pretty that I saved it to my computer. XD)
You kick yourself for missing this one episode with Cannonball because there was a very very classic line. (It was something along the lines of Gambit having found out that Rogue used his last name... "When's the honeymoon?" XDXDXD. Sadly yes, I did miss taping it but I didn't miss watching it. >_< Damn me for waking up late. x.x)
You get so annoyed with Marvel writers to the point where you write fanfics about them being together with NO angst involved. Too much angst! TOO MUCH.
You search or anywhere else to find yummy fanfics. (Damn, the fics are really well written and they're really perfect. :9 I love 'em~)
Your sanity ate itself when you decided to like the coupling.
You had a heart attack when Gambit and Rogue lost their powers.
...and whined, "Please make babies now!"
...and am annoyed that Marvel isn't listening.
...and went ahead and made up their spawns. (*eyes Chibi
Kia, rather Joie*
¬¬; You're just as bad as Marvel.)
You are now under Marvel's thumb once again after having kind of dropped off the face of earth. (Guilty as charged. *sighs at her X-Men DVD and X-Treme X-Men 1 and 2 (yes, getting 2.))
You faint at seeing the rare art-work of X-Movie Rogue and
Kia on Dr Pepper is not pretty.)
You love the coupling because a) Comic books b) Cartoon c) Space City picture made you.
You kind of lost your sanity (again) and started hearing French voices in your head. (...don't ask.)
You proceed to write fanfics of Gambit and Rogue living happily ever after.
...and include them having many children.
You bought X-Treme X-Men X-Pose #2 just because the cover is so pretty.
...and was disappointed that it didn't have enough of R&R.
...and was freaked out by the realstic artwork. (See, I've been gone for 5 or so years! It's just little bit weird.)
...and wondered when Angel got a goatee. (Okay, so, but hey! When did that happen? Wasn't his skin blue? WTF?)
You constantly stalk for R&R fics. (Best one is Hazard! I swear! It rocks! :D)
You take digital pictures of your R&R figures. (
...and you're tempted to put them in interesting positions--er
Your family questions your sanity when they see your figures in a... uhm, interesting position...
...and your sanity never existed in the first place.
...and you blame the French voices in your head for the uhm, interesting poses.
You constantly have to *write* fanfics or read them!
You have a X-Men: The Animated Series Special: R&R marathon of only R&R-related episodes or any episodes that have the BEST moments! (Phoenix Saga and Reunion have the best moments... so sweet. Okay, Reunion part two had the *SMOOCH!*)
You are annoyed that you can never seem to find X-Men #24 at all. (Really, I thought X-Men #24 was #41, but as fate would have it, only the best scene in #41 was the *smooch*.)
Upon one strange day, the Borg comes to assimlate you... and well, let's say that Marvel is invaded by R&R fans who want more.
...too bad that was a daydream, but hey, daydreams aren't so bad.
You want to work for Marvel just so you could fix everything
that Marvel has screwed up... oh, and feature issues of R&R exploring,
um, the fact that they lack powers now? (
Didn't anyone hear me?
No porn!)
You constantly have dreams about the two...
...even weirder, you turn out to be their spawn in those dreams. O_o;
You proudly own X-Men playing cards and take the 4's and 6's
out of the deck. (4 is Rogue while 6 is Gambit. I do own a deck, but for
some *strange* reason, I am one card short... HEY, STOP LAUGHING NOW! I am
really missing a card! Mr. Sinister decided to disappear on me.
...keep him away from me.)
You start a petition to Marvel to tell them to stop being so stupid with R&R and at least give them some bloody more screentime! (Wolverine is everywhere, arggggggggggggggggggg! Don't get me wrong, he's a cool character, but uhm, the fact that he's everywhere is kind of annoying. It seems that Cyclops, Wolverine, and Storm tend to have so much screentime that other characters are constantly ignored.)
...and Marvel ignores you again. Stupid Marvel.
You cheer when you find out that Gambit is definitely confirmed in X2.
...and you hate the idiots who want the stupid love triangle between Rogue, Wolverine, and Iceman? (Wolverine? Please. =P He's obviously interested in Jean! Someone thinks it would have been Pyro but Pyro? He freaks me. Iceman just sucks. XD)
...and you rant at Marvel/whoever.
...and get ignored again. AAAAH!!! @#)$#(@~!!!
You suffer from R&R withdrawal so bad that you start speaking in French for apparently no reason.
...and you don't even know the language. ("So, all the
French I learned was from reading X-Men comic books..."
No comment...)
You have a nifty support banner!
<-- look at the pretty banner. Adore it. Show it off. :P
You loathe people who want movie-Rogue to be with movie-Wolverine (you sickos. Wolverine is 120 years old.) or movie-Iceman. (Iceman is her friend in the comic books, you losers.)
You rant at Marvel for X2... and the fact that Gambit's
cameo is cut... the name is NOT good enough! You want the red demon eyes! (
*storms around and smites Marvel*
Those are the demon eyes, alright. Now, simmer, Chibi Kia.)