*So, yeah, I needed a witty title. :D Oh yes, and a banner :E*

So, I'm dedicated with scanning. :D And uh, yes, buying comics that will at least have the moments... that are worth reading. At least I have #24. HA HA HA HA... what?! I was looking for it since I was 12!


#3 [...okay, so, uh.. how do you exactly swim in your bodysuit?] [...sunglasses inside a placethingie?]
#4 [Basketball!] [Really agile...] [It's the shorts.] [O_o I wanna hide now.] [Crash.] [Awwwww!] [Uhhh. This doesn't count... but I wanted to put it in anyway. XP] [Brady Bunch XD]
#6 [Damn. Too many ninjas.]
#19 [Uhm, I feel sorry for Gambit because he looks so scared...]
#20 [Prelude to angst!] [Gambit angst] [Rogue angst] X-Men has too much angst. That's just not healthy.
#24 [BEST cover but you would think this has more R&R but no. *boots Cyclops and Jean out* OUT OF THE COMIC!] [Hot 'nuff? >_>] [Oh dear.] [*groans* Rogue... yamero.] [Horsey carriage ride! ^^;] [Rogue, Rogue, don't you see that he doesn't care about your powers zapping him...] [AGH. Gambit, you dork! *whacks him* You should've let her say her name. :(] (Just so people know it's really Marie--- *shot*)
#28 [Feeding a hairball...] [Ah, shut up you hairball thing you!] [Now, really STFU, Creed. >:E]
#30 [AWWWWWW!!!] [^.~ Auburn haired gals can sure catch flowers!] [...EVEN BETTER!] (Note: No one seems to have these pictures! o_o)
#38 [You should've hit Sabretooth over the head more, Remy...]
#45 [The cover was hard to piece together.] [This was easier to piece together compared to the cover...] [Great, she's got PMS...] [The PMS aren't going away, are they?] [Sigh. Tough love, ne?] [It's all in the past~] [Wah?] [Just the glove? Really, take it all off--*kneed in the head by Chibi Kia*] [Damnit, you had to wimp out?] [Waugh.]
#55 [Why'd I scan this one again? Damn Joseph. DIE ALREAAAAAAAAADY *stranglestrangle*]
#58 Gambit vs Joseph: PLEASE DIE, JOSEPH. Scans coming soon. Been sick too much. Bleh.


Uncanny X-Men

#336 [...yeah, well, Gambit's just being nice.]
#348 [Cover] [Aww... *beats her head on a rock*] [...evil Marvel.] [...really evil...] [...SURE, JUST END IT OFF AT THERE! Did they do it or not!? ARGH!]
I consider this to be cruelest issue of all because of the cliffhanger! *points* Marvel, off the crack!
#359 [...what the...] [...did this just answer my question?]


X-Treme X-Men
(More or less the only comic book where you'd find both Gambit n' Rogue :P)

Yeesh! Can't even figure out where chapters stop in Volume 1. At least Volume 2 is easier to figure out. X_X

Volume 1 [So... we meet again, ne?] [Woo, fight!] [Fight... again] [Run away! Run away!] [I see a dead person...]
[...matching underwear?] [The eyes glow now? When'd that happen?] [I be losin' track of everyth' here... --;] [Ew, abuse.] [He has a evil grin. I swear. That is evil.] [...O.o;; I like the new outfit.] [You know, this could be kinky if the other guy wasn't there.]
[...*speechless*...] [Those eyes again...] [This is kind of cute on a bizarre level...]
Volume 2
(Saved at MAX jpg quality) 
16 [You know, I've seen this view before...] [Kinky Death?] [If this wasn't so dramatic, I'd play Jungle Boogie.] [Shoo, Vargas. SHOO!!!] [Ow. Just OW!] 
17 [Pretty pic...] [Another angle. OW!]  [I could twist this so badly if she wasn't clothed.] [Awww, so pretty... and so sweet.] [Aww... ;_;] 
18 [Landing hurts.] [Eek!] [Even though the light is pretty, don't go!] [AAH] [To quote JanusII... "The ultimate persistent girlfriend"]
Character Designs Very gorgeous character designs >:3 [Rogue] [Gambit]
Volume 3   Coming soon!
  #31 So far, this will feature the return of the two. =P In any case, Oh, Chris Claremont... why are you so vague and so cruel? :( You're giving the R&R fans a heart attack at this rate. XP


X-Treme X-Men X-Pose
(...too many X's. x_x)
You know, they're powerless... MAKE BABIES NOW.  And good god, the artwork is VERY weird for this comic! 

[Cover is so pretty] [..;;; poses?] [Oh, whoa, settling down?] [Eeh, stupid kids trashing a good bike.] [Fight!] [*kicks Dervish in the head*] [My feelings exactly, Rogue.] [Dude, preach it.] [So, everyone likes to look at Gambit... *sweatdrop*] [Familiar? Bwaahaha.] [Fan service for guys...] [Calling for an Angel... *bricked*] 



X-Men Annual 94 [Nice pic of Gambit n' Rogue!]
X-Men Annual 96 [Gambit an' I do really agree on one thing... ¬¬ *eyes Joseph with unspeakable rage*]
X-Men Annual 97 [Cover] [I like the back :D] [...Spicy...] [...SPICIER...] [Please die, Joseph. Please.] [RAGE.] [Weed Whacker... hmm. *whacks Joseph with the weed whacker* There.] [No one's home. Typical.]
Marvel Universe [The fact that there's a page for Gambit and Rogue in Marvel Universe book speaks volumes, ne?]
Gambit #15 [The cover art of Rogue is kind of horrible, but it's funny. Poor Gambit.]
Bullpen Bits This was in Gambit #15... [But this is so cute! Chibi Gambit and Rogue. :D:D:D]


Pizza Hut!

I think this was one of my very first X-Men comic books. Too bad I was too stupid to take good care of it! T_T; Only #3 of this 4 comic series seems to be in good shape. Then again, that's because I bought it from a comic book store because I already had 1-2 and 4.

[Poster was hard to piece together like #45 cover] [Cover!] [What? Handling? That sounds dirty!] [Oops, that super strength...] [Something's not right...] [Well, crikey!] [Those darn sentinels!] [I forgot that Sentinels had tentacles... uhm, DON'T GO THERE PLEASE.] [Heh, that background looks familiar... I wonder why.] [Pfft. Should've kissed her instead.] [Ow, that'd have to /hurt/] [Is it me or are Gambit's eyes NOT the right color?]


Limited Series

(Alright, I'm too lazy to just link the pages separately, but at least I named them all in order! Yes, I scanned EVERY pages. And if Marvel's going to sue me, I'll only remove them IF Marvel writers will stop being so cruel with the relationship! Oh heck. I'm keeping them because Marvel is too silly.)

[Gambit] (More backstory on the guilds... and uh... ARG ASSASSINS! And according to JanusII, the second cover is /cheesy/ and clichey. I gotta agree... x_x)

[Rogue] (The sequel to above. More assassins, ARG! They're worse than ants. ;_; Also, this one seems to have almost anime-look to it... I like it!)

Note: Yamero = "stop it"