...well, it's pretty hard to explain my feelings about Marvel. ...or not. *looks at the list*
Why I love Marvel:
X-Men: The Animated Series! That was what got me hooked to the comic books in the first place!
The comic books were equally good too. :D
X-Men: The movie was also spiffy. XD (...the only time that I started giving Marvel my money again.)
I felt that X-Men was a huge part of my life because of how the characters interacted with each other. Even though they were mutants, they were just humans who needed to be accepted by the society. As seeing how I'm deaf, I understood that need all too well.
My favorite characters are: Gambit, Rogue, Wolverine, and Psylocke...
I actually made fancomics with my own original character (the very first version of Kia) with the codename of Silver. XD;
I really wanted to work for Marvel. o_o (This was my dream job UNTIL I found out that it was a very very very competitive job. So screw that.)
X-Treme X-Men kicks ass. :3
I LOVE YOU MARVEL NOW. Gambit and Rogue kiss in X-Treme X-Men. I have scanned it, but you need to really look very close. No zappy. Powers, yes. o.o HOLY!
Marvel vs Capcom 2... er wait... that doesn't count.
Marvel got better with the coupling, I guess. If it starts
going unstable, someone's gonna lose a toe. (Chris Claremont is my favorite
writer, but I really wish he had done a comic about them exploring their no-powersness...
NO PORN! BAD KIA!) Er... ahh!)
Why I have neutral feelings:
Uhmm... I don't know what to say about the Space City picture other than the fact that it's really pretty but it scarred me for life when I was younger... (Then again, I'm weird.)
Basically, I really can't bring myself to totally hate Marvel because I was really happy with the animated series and the cartoons.
The fact that Marvel is eating my money. Argh.
Why I loathe Marvel: (Warning... mild cursing.)
The Age of Apocalypse ranks pretty damn high on my HATE list. *coughsMagentoisabloodypedophilecoughs*
See above. I was really PISSED when I found out that Gambit came to Magneto for help with Rogue's powers in that particular storyline... and what does Magneto do? Marry her!? (Mind you, I found out that Rogue was mostly likely -under- 18.) Or something. Good god, Magneto treats her like a slave. Marvel, you @#)$(*#@$()#@!
Joseph. Okay, so he's Magento's double or clone... whatever. He's still a bastard that I loathe more than I loathe Marvel. I so hated him for driving the rift between Gambit and Rogue. (Good thing he's dead. I never liked that jerk.. AHAHAHAHA. STAY DEAD, PLEASE. No resurrection stupidity, please... like Marvel's infamous with. ¬_¬)
...the little Antarctica incident. I can generally understand that it was Gambit's self-loathing that was like, floating around in Rogue's mind, but still, that was just too much...
...see above... WHY THE @#$#@ DID YOU HAVE TO PUT THE TWO IN A ROOM ALONE AND NOT MENTION IF THEY HAD SEX OR NOT!?! AHHHHH! *bricks Marvel repeatedly for that one with the space city picture* Plain cruel. Cruel cruel aaagh.
Gambit not being in X-Men the movie. (Blarg. My idea of the movie would have the cast from the animated series.)
Comments about Gambit being cut from the sequel. AHHH, WHAT STUPIDITY IS THIS?! (The reason was because of Gambit's fanbase. This makes NO sense.)
Comments that Gambit is in the sequel, thusly conflicting with above. Marvel, make up your mind! Keep him in the movie or you're going to be approached by pissed off Gambit fangirls. (I kid you not.)
Gambit being shafted. Repeatedly. (see above. ><)
See above: Gambit series (I didn't know about this) had 25 issues before it got cancelled. Ahh, you bitches. I'd have bought 'em if you had told me that they were out.
For being stupid with Gambit and Rogue's relationship. Really stupid stupid stupid stupid @_)#$(*#@)_$(@#)_$*@! I love it when Marvel writers can't decide what to do with the two. On. Off. On. Off. On. AOA. Off. On. Off. That ice rock. On. STOP messing with them! Please. @_@ This is enough to give me a headache.
X-Men DVD 1.5. AHHHH! I just like, bought the first dvd AND NOW I GOTTA BUY THE OTHER ONE?! Damn you Marvel! >:(
Now that Gambit's cameo was cut and reduced to "Lebeau, Remy" on a computer screen. Marvel is so going to fucking die for that. NAME WILL NOT WORK FOR ME@ $)(*#@)($*#@)($&#@()$&#@ I WANT THE @)#(*$)(#@*$@#( CAMEO! @()#$*#()@* I WANT TO SEE GAMBIT ON THE BIG SCREEN @#)($*#@)($*#@! I want my five bucks and 2 hours of my life back. >:(
...and Iceman didn't fall down in X2. WTF?
I'll just stew and figure out how to get rid of the AOA books. I bought them because I wanted to see what the heck was going on and what I saw... I did not like. Thusly, I regret ever having bought them. I'm that annoyed with the AOA.