Comics of 2004
(There weren't very many because I was sick horribly that year.)

6-21-04 C64 is not amused.
6-23-04 But... Kia is!
8-11-04 Kia overdosed on Xenogears.
8-13-04 Gorf vs Zohar!

Extra Comics of 2004


2-18-04 College loves the taste of Kia.
2+ sick months Kia got sick really badly for two months. Could not do any work on comics. X_X
Most of 2004 and 2005 Art block from hell. I've conquered it!

Memories: Deus Ex Machina
(Some of the comics were done in 2004 as well.)

Cover The cover of the comic: [M:DEM]
Notes A brief note that I wrote: [NOTE]
Prologue [Prologue Pic] [Prologue page]
Chapter 1 [Ch1 pic] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]
Chapter 2 [Ch2 pic] [1] [2]
Chapter 3  
